HVE Dental Instruments Problems & Solutions
A Review Of Common HVE Problems Safe-Vac Solves
Beyond providing patients added comfort and safety, Safe-Vac dental instruments are a valuable asset for dentists when performing routine dental procedures. Learn more about common problems encountered by dentists and how our HVE dental products help you save time, money and effort. Our products are available at all major dental supply companies.

HVE Problem
Sharp end on all current HVE systems cause tissue trauma and lacerations inadvertently

Safe-Vac Solution
Soft yet rigid cushioned tip that is comfortable for patients and prevents tissue trauma and lacerations

HVE Problem
Current HVE systems get blocked during certain dental procedures and are inefficient and can cause delays

Safe-Vac Solution
Internal screen allows obstruction to be cleared easily with out delaying procedure

HVE Problem
Certain restorative components and grafts (tissue and bone) inadvertently suctioned and potentially lost

Safe-Vac Solution
Internal screen prevents the loss and helps aid during many restorative procedures and also during grafting procedures
Safe-Vac Bonus Features

Safe-Vac Bonus Feature
Can help aide during try-in and seat of certain restorative components and indirect restorations by leaving the suction on and having the auxillary work adjacent next to the area. This reduces the potential of a restorative component or restoration being inadvertently swallowed by patients and us dentists potentially liable.

Safe-Vac Bonus Feature